M Models and Talent Agency would like to congratulate to our models Abdullah K. and William L. on landing a project for CP24 World Pride Promo About Bell Media:
Bell Media is the mass media subsidiary of BCE. Its operations include television broadcasting and production, radio broadcasting, Digital Media, and Internet properties including Sympatico.ca About Pride: Pride Week is a ten-day event held in Toronto, Ontario, during the end of June each year. It is a celebration of the diversity of the LGBT community in the Greater Toronto Area. It is one of the largest organized gay pride festivals in the world, featuring several stages with live performers and DJs, several licensed venues, a large Dyke March, a Trans March and the Pride Parade. The centre of Pride Week is the city's Church and Wellesley village, and both the Dyke March and the main Pride Parade are primarily routed along the nearbyYonge Street, Gerrard Street and Bloor Street. In 2014, the week will serve as the 4th WorldPride, and is expected to be much larger than standard Toronto Prides. Pride Week is organized by Pride Toronto, a non-profit organization. A small complement of seven staff support the work of 19 festival teams and 6 advisors, each team is responsible for an aspect of the festival. Each team is administered by two or three volunteer Team Leads. The long-term vision for, and strategic oversight of, the organization and the festival is managed by 12 volunteers on the Board of Directors. Congrats to William L. on landing a print ad for Maynards! To view new projects please visit our blog ! About Maynards:
Maynards is a sweets manufacturer in United Kingdom and Canada, and is most famous for its Wine Gums and Sour Patch Kids. Congrats to our talent Sebastian N. on landing a commercial for Chapman's Ice Cream (Commercial) Details can be reviewed on our blog shortly. About Chapman's Ice Cream: At Chapman’s, we’re very proud to be Canada’s largest independent ice cream manufacturer but we’ll never outgrow the community of Markdale, Ontario in which we live and work. A sense of belonging and a feeling of family permeates the atmosphere at Chapman's Ice Cream. We may be located in a village and a little off the beaten track, but we’ll never be out of touch with our customers and we’ll always respond to their needs with quality products at affordable prices. Check out this trailer for Storm Worlds - Deadly Dust our old talent Danny S. got this project through M Models.
http://natgeotv.com/uk/storm-worlds/videos/deadly-dust About: National Geographic Channel National Geographic Channel is an American digital cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the National Geographic Society and the Fox Cable Networks division of 21st Century Fox. M Models and Talent would like to congratulate their model Sam K. on landing a Print Ad for Coca Cola! ![]() About Coca Cola: Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drinks sold in stores, restaurants, and vending machines in every country except Cuba and North Korea.[1] It is produced by The Coca-Cola Company of Atlanta,Georgia, and is often referred to simply as Coke (a registered trademark of The Coca-Cola Company in the United States since March 27, 1944). Originally intended as a patent medicine when it was invented in the late 19th century by John Pemberton, Coca-Cola was bought out by businessman Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics led Coke to its dominance of the world soft-drink market throughout the 20th century. Congrats to our model from our kids division Alex K. on landing a print ad for RBC .
Pick up a copy of the Globe and Mail today and see a full page ad of our model Alex K. for Royal Bank of Canada ! M Models and Talent Agency would like to congratulate our Model Kara G. on landing a project for Blackberry (Promo The Loop) M Models and Talent Agency would like to congratulate our model Mike O. on landing a project for Snickers (Print Ad) ![]() About Snickers: Snickers is a brand name candy bar made by Mars, Incorporated. It consists of nougat topped with caramel and peanuts, enrobed in milk chocolate. Snickers has annual global sales of $2 billion . M Models and Talent Agency would like to congratulate Robb Y. on landing the commercial for Virgin Gaming ![]() About Virgin Gaming : Virgin Gaming is a venture between WorldGaming.com and Virgin Group which was formed during June 2010. Virgin Gaming is a Toronto based online service for gamers all over the world to challenge each other. With work for Time Magazine, Coca Cola and Snickers, M Models are having a great year in Toronto's commercial print industry .
M Models has built a great agency around two basic principles: diversity and customer service. This paradigm has been paying off with some of M Model’s recent work: Snickers candy bar, a Time Magazine cover, Coca Cola print ad and a Mega Bloks Barbie (commercial). With work in print and video, M Model’s people have been highly visible and increasing the beauty of the world. More information is available on their website: www.mmodels.ca “It has been an honor working with some of the young men and women that we have been able to represent lately. They have been winning some excellent contracts and have really been stepping it up. We pride ourselves being a great agency to work for and the work and loyalty of our models is the testament to our success.” –M Models Management M Models is dedicated to fulfilling the needs of magazines, video production companies and artists. With a diverse portfolio of talented models and actors, M Models is able to supply a great person for every project. Their portfolio includes models of many sizes and from every heritage. Being a modeling agency that is geared towards providing local and international assignments, M Models and Talent thrives on the diversity that our multicultural society has to offer. The management says, “In a competitive industry such as here in Toronto, we are always searching for models and talents that have a strong look and a certain edge about them. Essentially, it is these qualities that set them apart and make them stand out in front of our clients and casting directors.” Their models have worked with some of the most well-known and respected companies across North America such as, MTV, Bell Media, Blackberry, SPC, Virgin Mobile, Scotia Bank, TD Bank, Much Music, Roots, Subaru, Visa, Target, YTV, Mattel, Marc Anthony, LCBO, Patron and Labatt to name a few. |
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