Congrats to our talent Nikki L. on landing a project for Ontario Electronic Stewardship (Commercial) Review More details on Ontario Electronic Stewardship:
Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES) is a not-for-profit industry organization that began operations in April, 2009 with leading retail, information technology and consumer electronics companies (called “Stewards”) who make and market electronic products in Ontario. OES collects fees from Stewards to fulfill obligations set out by Ontario’s Waste Diversion Act (2002) and the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Program Plan. The program requires electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) “brand owners,” “first importers,” “franchisors,” and “assemblers” to fund the diversion of their products from the waste stream. On October 30th, 2013 Ontario Electronic Stewardship entered an outsourcing agreement with Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA). OES continues to be responsible for the Ontario WEEE program. The outsourcing arrangement means that OES will be managed by the EPRA team, an extension that will augment system and process support for stakeholders. EPRA operates seven (7) other provincially approved, not-for-profit electronics stewardship programs across the country, providing effective and efficient regulatory compliance on behalf of our stewards within each province that we operate. OES is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors consisting of Stewards from across the supply chain, who represent a wide range of obligated electrical and electronic equipment. Officers, directors, and employees of companies that supply designated products for sale in Ontario are eligible for appointment to the Board. The Board includes voting and non-voting (observers). OES’s Executive Committee and Chair regularly review the Board’s composition to ensure adequate Steward representation for all obligated products. Congrats to Laura C. and Jesy J. on landing a role for a tv show called the Reign. ( Tv Series ) About Reign:
Reign is an American historical fiction television series following the early years of Mary, Queen of Scots, in 1557 France. The series, created by Stephanie SenGupta and Laurie McCarthy, airs on The CW as part of the 2013–14 American television season. The leading roles are played by a combination of Australian, Canadian, and English actors. Set in 1557 France, the highly fictionalized series follows the life of Mary, Queen of Scots, at French court while she awaits her marriage to the future Francis II of France, to whom she has been engaged since they were six. At court, Mary has to contend with the changing politics and power plays, as well as her burgeoning feelings for Francis and the romantic attentions from Francis' bastard half-brother, Bash. Francis' mother, Catherine de' Medici, is secretly trying to prevent the marriage following Nostradamus's confidential prediction that the marriage will lead to Francis' death. The series also follows the affairs of Mary's Scottish handmaidens Kenna, Aylee, Lola and Greer, who are searching for husbands of their own at court. Congrats to our models J'den C. and Jordan R. on landing a commercial for Elf Cosmetics. More Details can be reviewed on our blog!About ELF:
E.L.F. Cosmetics was founded by Joseph Shamah and Scott Vincent Borba in June 2004. The duo originally met at a party in 2002; Shamah was a 23-year-old New York University business student. Borba was a 31-year-old Los Angeles beauty-industry veteran, responsible for previously launching brands such as Hard Candy cosmetics. Both were enthusiastic about an inexpensive, high-quality cosmetics line for women, and decided to form a company together. A few days after the party they sat down to brainstorm, and a business plan was created within months. Borba claims the idea originated from seeing women with expensive cars such as BMWs and Mercedes-Benzes buying bargain-price cosmetics at 99-cent stores in Los Angeles. e.l.f.(short for Eyes Lips Face) Cosmetics was officially launched in New York City on June 2004, also with the assistance of Shamah's father Alan. They continue to sell high-quality cosmetics at $1, $3, and $6 price points. On February 3, 2014, TPG Growth bought a majority stake in E.l.f. Cosmetics.Joey Shamah was replaced by Tarang P. Amin, who "has been appointed president, chief executive officer and director of E.l.f. Cosmetics". Congrats to our model Sarah W. from our kids division on landing a project for Coca Cola and Wal-mart (Commercial)About Coca Cola:
Congrats to our models Bakir M. and Alexander K. on landing a project for TSN (Commercial) About TSN:
The Sports Network (TSN) is a Canadian English language sports specialty service. Established by the Labatt Brewing Company in 1984 as part of the first group of Canadian specialty cable channels,[1] since 2001, TSN has been majority-owned by communications conglomerate Bell Canada (presently through its broadcasting subsidiary Bell Media) with a minority stake held by ESPN Inc. via a 20% share in the Bell Media subsidiary CTV Specialty Television. TSN is the largest specialty channel in Canada in terms of gross revenue, with a total of $400.4 million in revenue in 2013. Its a pleasure to announce the recent participants from the Amazing Race Canada Sukhi and Jinder Atwal have been signed with M Models and Talent Agency. For Bookings please contact [email protected]
About Sukhi & Jinder Atwal: Sukhi and Jinder are the ultimate brother-sister team with ambitions to conquer the world. They have worked together on entrepreneurial pursuits at home as well as abroad and saw one of their ventures expand into South Asia. They are fierce, competitive, and very determined. Sukhi is the demanding older sister who dreams big and never says no to a new challenge, while Jinder is the brains behind the operation and follows through on his sister’s tremendous visions. From a young age, they have been inseparable because, for Sukhi, bringing her brother along meant their parents would let her do anything. This successful duo strives to maintain a typical sibling relationship with sarcasm, rivalry, and competition. Jinder claims he will be completing challenges while his sister sits on the sidelines, which she of course vehemently denies. Both agree that they need to relax in order to compete well on the race. “We need to comprehend the clues instead of running around like crazy people,” said Sukhi. “Moving way too fast…or doing something without slowing things down and actually thinking about it first will be our biggest challenge,” adds Jinder. They are inspired by their father’s immigration from India to Terrace, B.C. with no money and no English vocabulary. He simply wanted to build a life of opportunity for his future children. Winning 'The Amazing Race Canada' would further Sukhi and Jinder’s beliefs that they can achieve anything. Motto: “We will do whatever it takes! We are here to win! We got this!” ![]() About LavaLife: Lavalife began as a basement operation in 1987 by four Torontonians, Bruce Croxon, Nick Paine, David Chamandy and Ed Lum. It began as an automated telephone answering and broadcast service called Teleclassifieds, which evolved into a telephone dating service known as Telepersonals. The business blossomed as each of the four partners focused on his area of expertise, David: new city expansion, Bruce: marketing, Ed: product development, Nick: organizational development. The owners of Lavalife bought an online dating site called Webpersonals. Upon that purchase, new website went online as Webpersonals and rebranded as Lavalife in 2001. The site's revenue comes from Canada more than any other country. Annual revenue has approached $100M at least twice. In 2004, the four partners sold their stakes in Lavalife to Vertrue, a direct marketing company in the US. In 2011, Lavalife was acquired by Toronto-based company, First Media Group. Congrats to our model Jordan R. on landing the commercial for Urban Planet! About Urban Planet:
Urban Planet is a place where customers can come and spend time, and find well-made and stylish merchandise. Urban Planet provides the consumer with an oasis of light and space in which a comprehensive assortment of key brands, fashion merchandise and accessories are offered. Congrats to our model Christopher C. on landing a project for MTV VMA CONTEST (PROMO Commercial) About MTV:
MTV is a Canadian English language Category A specialty channel devoted to talk, lifestyle and documentary programming Congrats to our talent Lana B. on landing this project for Merck Engage. |
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